
Showing posts from December, 2017


Please have students review the song lyrics from the previous post in preparation for our assembly in January. Over the holidays students can work on measuring items in millimetres, centimetres, and decimetres; writing opinion paragraphs, and reading. Have a wonderful holiday and I look forward to seeing you all in the new year!

"Choose Kind" Song

The students will be singing a song the class wrote together in the January assembly. We have been practicing each day and it is sounding awesome! Please keep reviewing the song at home: Choose Kind Choose Kind I'll pick you up when you are down. Choose Kind Spread the kindness all around. Choose Kind Show them who you really are. Choose Kind Let them see your shining star. If someone's going through, a very hard, tough time, you can help them out, and tell them it is fine. You could ask them to, join in all your games, and you could be their, umbrella when it rains. Chorus When someone shows respect, or someone's kind to you, take that charity, pass it to someone new. Pay it forward, to people more and more, it'll come back to you, knockin' at your door. Chorus If you are feelin' very sad and blue, I will be there, to make you feel brand new. Chorus (x2)

Holiday Potluck

Thanks to all of our families for making our potluck a huge success! The amount of food and drink was amazing! The students were very excited and had a great time. Once again, thank you so much for your support!

Holiday Potluck Tomorrow

The following are items which are on our list for the potluck, which will take place 3rd period (11:30) tomorrow: Fruit 2 fruit trays Veggies 1 Veggie tray Salads Taco Salad Caesar Salad Snacks/Appetizers Taco Dip and Corn Chips Chips and Dip Chips and Salsa Yogurt Main Course Pasta with Tomato Sauce Tacos Lasagna Meatballs Alfredo Pasta Beef Burritos There has been no one to sign up for Drinks yet. Crock Pots are welcome. Thanks you for participating in this class activity!

Holiday Potluck Tuesday

Mr. Saunders and Mrs. Oliverio's classes will be participating in a Holiday Potluck on Tuesday. Students are invited to sign up for an item to share with the class. There will be about 40 people involved, but this does not mean that students have to bring enough for all 40 (with that number of people there will be plenty to eat). We have a few allergies in the class. Please include an accurate list of the ingredients with your food items so that we may ensure the safety of our students. We are looking for food from the following categories: Fruit, Veggies, Salads, Drinks, Snacks/Appetizers, Main Course, and Desserts. Thank you in advance for all who participate!

Math Test Tomorrow

Gr. 5 Students will need to: -identify angles as acute, right, obtuse, or straight -Use a protractor to measure angles up to 90 degrees -Use a protractor to construct angles up to 180 degrees -Identify polygons by their attributes -Identify whether polygons are regular or irregular -Identify triangles by their sides (equilateral, isosceles, scalene) -Identify triangles by their angles (right, acute, obtuse) -Construct triangles by the given angle measurement and side measurements (such as triangle ABC where angle A= 90 degrees, side BA= 3cm and side CA= 5cm) Gr. 6 Students will need to: -identify angles as right, straight, obtuse, or acute -Use protractors to measure angles up to 180 degrees -Use protractors to construct angles up to 180 degrees -Sort quadrilaterals by symmetry, angles, and sides (side length and parallel) -Sort polygons by the lines of symmetry and the order of rotational symmetry -Construct triangles and quadrilaterals given the angles measurements a

Homework for the Dec. 8th Weekend

Grade 5 students have been asked to finish up their Social Studies vocabulary sheets, writing a sentence for each term. They were given 100 minutes today to work on this task. Loonie Licence is next Friday. There was a note sent home today with the choices for students. We will be having our 2D Geometry Unit Quiz next Friday. Students were asked to take home their folders to practice their angles (naming, measuring and constructing) and Polygons (naming them and identifying their attributes) to give them a head start on preparing for the quiz. Enjoy the weekend!

Homework for Tuesday, Dec. 5

We will be going to our field trip tomorrow at Sandwich Secondary School to see the play. Students will need to be on time tomorrow, as we will be leaving immediately after attendance has been taken. Grade 5 students are asked to review Regular and irregular polygons, and practice identifying whether a shape is regular or irregular. Grade 6 students have been asked to take home their math notes on Quadrilaterals and practice identifying the shapes by name, identifying their attributes, and use their attributes to sort them.

Compass homework

If students do not already have a compass (math set), it would be beneficial for them to purchase one this weekend. We will be using them in the construction of geometric shapes in math. The homework I have assigned for this weekend is for students to play around with their compass to get used to using it. Students should spend some time trying to draw lots of circles and arcs with them, maybe doodles or art, so that they become familiar with using their new tool.