
Showing posts from March, 2018

Homework for March 29th Weekend

Students are practicing division. Grade 5 students have a worksheet to complete. Grade 6 students are working on #4,5,6, and 9 on page 70 in their textbook. Students are asked to wear blue on Tuesday for Autism awareness day.

Homework for March 22 Weekend

Tomorrow is a PA Day so there will be no school until Monday, March 26. Students are working on using different strategies to multiply. They should use the strategy they are most comfortable with to do their multiplication. Grade 5 students do #3 and 6 on page 60 Grade 5 students do #2, 3, and 5 on page 66

Homework for Wednesday, March 21

Students have been working on a new strategy for multiplying 2 digit numbers. They should be practicing this strategy to help them remember it. This does not have to be the strategy that they always use, but it will help to have various strategies they can choose from. They have to use this new strategy to do the following questions: A) 35x52         B) 65x30       C) 48x25       D) 41x4 E) 92x43          F) 14x5         G) 20x54      H) 25x16

Rock Your Socks Tomorrow

Tomorrow is Crazy Sock Day to help raise awareness about Down Syndrome. Students are encouraged to wear crazy socks or mismatched socks tomorrow.

Homework for Monday, March 19

Students should be continuing their practice of multiplication facts up to 11 to help their speed in remembering. Students copied a Science chart to fill in with information tonight. They will need to look around their home to find devices which use electricity, write down the name of the device and check off the form(s) of energy the electricity is transformed into: Name of Device               Light Energy     Sound Energy    Heat Energy    Mechanical Energy    Other

March Break Homework

Over the March Break, students are asked to practice their multiplication facts up to 11. As well, students have been asked to write a storyline with events from each day of their break. This is not meant to be written up as a story, but only as an outline of the events in jot note form, which could be used to create a story after the break. This can be 1-3 short notes for each day (ie: -Monday afternoon, went to park and played with friend. Watched a movie with family that night). Suggested Practice: Students have been working on adding and subtracting 3 and 4-digit numbers. Students can practice this over the break as well, to help strengthen their skills. Have a fantastic break! See you on the March 19th!

Homework for Thursday, March 1

Students should be reviewing for the math test coming up on Monday (See previous blog entry for what they will be expected to know). They had a pop quiz yesterday to help them find what they are doing well, and where they need practice or help. Students should bring this home tonight to review with an adult. Students can come to me tomorrow to discuss any problems they are having with the work. Grade 6 students are working on ratios and have been assigned #3, 5, 8 on p. 322 for tonight.

Math Unit Test

Students have a math Unit Test on Monday, which will cover fractions and decimals for grade 5, and including percentages and ratios for grade 6 students. Grade 5 students will need to be able to: -represent, compare, and order fractions with the same denominators (including proper fractions, improper fractions, and mixed numbers) -identify and create equivalent fractions -represent, compare and order decimals in tenth and hundredths places -identify place value in decimals to hundredths place -round decimals to the nearest tenths place -demonstrate equivalent decimals -count forward by hundredths in numbers and words Grade 6 students will need to be able to: -Represent, compare and order fractional amounts with different denominators (including proper fractions, improper fractions, and mixed numbers) -Represent, compare, and order decimals in tenths, hundredths, and thousandths places -identify place value in decimals to the thousandths place -determine the relationship