Grade 6 Space Unit Quiz

The Grade 6 students have been studying the solar system in Science this term. Their Unit quiz will take place on Wednesday. Students were asked to take home their Science folders at the end of the day so that they may use their notes and worksheets to review this weekend.

Students will be asked to:
-Identify the planets in a diagram of the solar system
-Identify different attributes about each of the planets (ie: Mars is known as the Red Planet, Jupiter is the largest, it has a giant storm on its surface)
-Identify the Inner Planets and the Outer Planets
-Identify bodies in space that emit or reflect light
-Identify attributes about the Earth (ie: rotates on an axis, orbits the sun once every 365 days)
-Identify information about how astronauts survive in space as well as deal with daily routines such as eating, sleeping, using the washroom, cleaning.
-Using information they have learned about how astronauts survive on the international space station (ISS) and deal with daily routines, design a "home" that an astronaut would need to live on another planet.

Please have students review their notes and information in their folders (as well as rewatch some of the short youtube clips about astronauts like Chris Hadfield in space) and answer some of these questions for you.


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