
Showing posts from April, 2018

Grade 5 Towers

While the Grade 6 students were at track, the Grade 5s were asked to create a structure out of straws, pipe cleaners, and tape.

Science Experiments

Some pictures of students testing forces and building towers from paper and tape.

Hot Chocolate Party

Some Pictures from our Hot Chocolate Party for winning BINGO During Carnival!

Homework for Friday April 27

Students should work on any unfinished assignments on khmath. The retest for our operations unit has been moved to Tuesday. If students are writing this test, they should be reviewing materials this weekend, reviewing the last test, and ensuring they have been building on their skills in using these operations.

Track Thank You!

Thanks you to the parents who volunteered to assist at our grade 5 track day, our grade 6 track day, or BOTH days! It is greatly appreciated by the students and staff. Thank you again!

Grade 6 Track Day Friday

We are in need of parent chaperones for the grade 6 students going to Sandwich Secondary on Friday. Please write me a note if you are able to volunteer on that day.


Students were introduced to an online program for math called Knowledgehook. You can access it through a web browser at Students will write the class code in their agendas tomorrow so that they may access their assignments. If they remember the class code tonight, they are welcome to begin tonight. Their first assignment has been posted and is due by Monday.

Homework for Thursday, April 19

Students have been given a math worksheet on variable to complete and return tomorrow. If students have not returned their field trip forms for the track day, they are asked to have them signed and back at school by tomorrow.

Math Re-test

Students have received their math tests on operations. There will be a re-test next Friday for students who wish to try and improve their mark on the first test. I will be available at nutrition breaks to help students with some of these concepts. It is important for students to do the practice at home as well in preparation for the upcoming retest. This test is optional, but I would like students to tell me if they will be doing the re-test so that I will know the numbers beforehand and give them assistance before next Friday.

Electronic Devices

We will begin working on a program for math which requires access to an electronic device (for internet). Tomorrow students are asked to bring an electronic device to work on if they have one available. Students will find out more about the program we will be working on, tomorrow during class time.

Math Test Tuesday

Students will have a test on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on Tuesday. Grade 5 students will need to be able to: -solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division -multiply 2-digit whole numbers by 2-digit whole numbers -divide 3-digit whole numbers by 1-digit whole numbers with and without remainders -add and subtract decimal numbers to hundredths, including money -multiply decimals by 10, 100, 1000, and 10 000 (using mental strategies such as moving decimals) -divide decimals by 10 and 100 (using mental strategies such as moving the decimal) Grade 6 students will need to be able to: -Identify composite and prime numbers -Solve a variety of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems -solve problems involving the multiplication and division of whole numbers (4-digit by 2-digit) -Add and subtract decimals to the thousandths -multiply and divide decimals to tenths by whole numbers -multiply whole numb