Notes on First Nations Before Contact with Europeans


-lived in longhouses
-believed there was an imaginary longhouse which all of the groups of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy lived in together
-organized into clans (named after animals)
-The clan mother was the oldest woman in the community and would pick the new leader


-lived in wigwams
-Fishing was an important part of their lives
-Men hunted and were warriors
-Women gardened, cooked, and took care of children


-lived in wigwams
-made clothing using bone awls and animal sinew to sew
-ate seal, walrus, cod, whale, shellfish, porpoise, deer, moose
-when men were away hunting, women would take over the fishing duties to feed family
-lived in communities and each community had a chief
-communities belonged to a larger district which would have a chief called a Saqamaw


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